Connect API Documentation

Create a new product

POST /products

Request properties

  • id: The unique product identifier to use. Must be URL friendly ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]).
  • status: One of "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" or "OUT_OF_STOCK" (optional)
  • category: The ID of the product category
  • name: The product name. Will be trimmed and must be at least 3 characters and not longer than 64 characters. May not contain newlines or tabs.
  • order_by: Whether to order by "vessel" or "kg" (optional). If set to "kg", the vessel property must be omitted or set to { size: 1, unit: "kg" }.
  • vessel: The vessel object (optional):
    • id: An custom vessel identifier, not visible to customers (optional)
    • size: Size of the vessel in the specified unit
    • unit: One of "l", "dl", "cl", "ml", "kg", "g" or "quantity"
    • type: See vessel and bundle types (optional)
  • bundles: The bundle object array (optional):
    • id: A custom bundle identifier, not visible to customers (optional)
    • id_override: A custom product ID override (optional)
    • type: See vessel and bundle types
    • size: The number of vessels in the bundle, or the number of bundles on the pallet if type is "PX"
    • unit: Set to kg, if the bundle is by weight (optional)
    • pallet_bundle: Only if type is "PX". Specifies the bundle on the pallet. The bundle must also exist in the bundles array.
  • price: The vessel price in cents (optional)
  • price_per: One of "vessel", "l", "kg" or "100g" (optional)
  • min_order_count: The minimum number of vessels or kilos that can be ordered (depending on order_by)
  • delivery_days: An object with one required (lead_days) and one optional (cutoff) parameter, indexed by the day of the week as a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday)
  • delivery_date_overrides: An object with one required (lead_days) and one optional (cutoff) parameter, indexed by the ISO date it refers to (e.g. "2023-12-26")
  • dates_with_no_delivery: A list of dates in ISO date format. It contains all the dates when the supplier will not deliver this item.
  • pricing: Optional scaled pricing setup
    • strategy: The pricing strategy, one of "VOLUME", "INCREMENTAL", or "DIVISIBLE"
    • price_points: The prices used in the pricing based on the quantity of items.
      • from: The number of items the price point is applied from
      • price: The price for one item
    • date_overrides: An array of date periods where the price points are different from the default ones (optional). Each item of the array can have the following properties:
      • from_date: The start of the validity for the date override. Can be open ended if no to_date is given.
      • to_date: The last day of the date range (optional). It is inclusive, the override is still valid on this date.
      • price_points: The price points to be used for this date range or from this start date.

New products must at least contain the fields id, status, category and name.

The id field cannot be changed. Once a product is in use by customers, it cannot be deleted.

Status codes

  • 200 on success
  • 400 if the request is invalid

Response properties

The new product as returned by GET /products/:id.

Example requests

Bottle with 7 dl, price is per vessel:

"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "DRINKS",
"name": "Vodka",
"vessel": {
"size": 7,
"unit": "dl",
"type": "BO"
"bundles": [
"id": "001",
"type": "CT",
"size": 6
"price": 750,
"min_order_count": 6

Barrel with 40 l, price is per liter:

"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "DRINKS",
"name": "Lager",
"vessel": {
"size": 40,
"unit": "l",
"type": "BA"
"price": 175,
"price_per": "l"

Piece of meat, average size is 250 g, price is per kilo:

"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "FOOD",
"name": "Meat",
"vessel": {
"size": 250,
"unit": "g",
"type": "NA"
"price": 3200,
"price_per": "kg"

Tomatoes, can be ordered in any quantity of "kg", price is per kilo:

"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "FOOD",
"name": "Tomato",
"order_by": "kg",
"price": 290,
"price_per": "kg"

Porcini mushrooms, only available to be delivered on Mondays:

"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "FOOD",
"name": "Porcini (Fresh)",
"order_by": "kg",
"price": 1290,
"price_per": "kg",
"delivery_days": {
"1": { "lead_days": 2 }