Connect API Documentation

Read list of products

GET /products


  • cursor: Marks the start position when paging.

Status codes

  • 200 on success

Response properties

  • products: The array of product objects:
    • id: The product identifier
    • status: One of "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" or "OUT_OF_STOCK"
    • category: The ID of the product category
    • name: The product name
    • order_by: One of "vessel" or "kg", if specified when creating the product
    • vessel: The vessel object, if available:
      • id: The custom vessel identifier
      • size: Size of the vessel in the specified unit
      • unit: One of "l", "dl", "cl", "ml", "kg", "g" or "quantity"
      • type: See vessel and bundle types
    • bundles: The array of bundle objects, if available:
      • id: The custom bundle identifier
      • id_override: The custom product ID override
      • type: See vessel and bundle types
      • size: The number of vessels in the bundle, or the number of bundles on the pallet if type is "PX"
      • unit: Set to kg, if the bundle is by weight
      • pallet_bundle: Only if type is "PX". Specifies the bundle on the pallet:
    • price: The integer price in cents, if available
    • price_per: One of "vessel", "l", "kg" or "100g", if specified when creating the product
    • min_order_count: The minimum number of vessels or kilos that can be ordered, depending on order_by
    • delivery_days: An object with one required (lead_days) and one optional (cutoff) parameter, indexed by the day of the week as a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday)
    • delivery_date_overrides: An object with one required (lead_days) and one optional (cutoff) parameter, indexed by the ISO date it refers to (e.g. "2023-12-26")
    • dates_with_no_delivery: A list of dates in ISO date format. It contains all the dates when the supplier will not deliver this item
    • pricing: Optional scaled pricing setup
      • strategy: The pricing strategy, one of "VOLUME", "INCREMENTAL", or "DIVISIBLE"
      • price_points: The prices used in the pricing based on the quantity of items.
        • from: The number of items the price point is applied from
        • price: The price for one item
      • date_overrides: Optional property, an array of date periods where the price points are different from the default ones. Each item of the array can have the following properties:
        • from_date: The start of the validity for the date override. Can be open ended if no to_date is given.
        • to_date: Optional field, represents the last day of the date range. It is inclusive, the override is still valid on this date.
        • price_points: The price points to be used for this date range or from this start date.

Example response

"products": [
"id": "123456789",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"category": "SPIRITS",
"name": "Vodka",
"vessel": {
"size": 7,
"unit": "dl",
"type": "BO"
"bundles": [
"id": "001",
"type": "CT",
"size": 6
"price": 750,
"min_order_count": 6,
"delivery_days": {
"1": { "lead_days": 2 },
"3": { "lead_days": 1, "cutoff": "08:00" },
"5": { "lead_days": 1, "cutoff": "08:00" }
"delivery_date_overrides": {
"2023-12-26": {
"lead_days": 3,
"cutoff": "12:00"
"dates_with_no_delivery": ["2023-01-01", "2023-01-02"],
"pricing": {
"strategy": "VOLUME",
"price_points": [
"from": 1,
"price": 2675
"from": 50,
"price": 2650
"cursor": "1234"