Connect API Documentation

WebHook Events

Receive events on a WebHook.

To register a WebHook, please provide the following information:

  • url: E.g.
  • method: "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH"
  • headers: Optional headers to send with the request
  • authorization: Optional authorization to use
    • type: Currently only "basic" is supported. Use custom headers for a token or an API key.
    • username: The user name
    • password: The password

Response codes

The endpoint must return a status code 200 or 201. Otherwise the message will be sent again.

Event structure

  • type: The event type, e.g. "request-delivery"
  • idempotency_key: A random key, unique to the event. Can be uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same event.
  • data: The event data, depending on the event type.