Connect API Documentation

Update all price groups for a product

PUT /products/:id/price-groups


  • id: The identifier as specified when the product was created

Request properties

The request format is the same as the response, a map indexed by price groups and each can contain the properties detailed in the Response section.

All price groups have to be present in the request body for a product, if a group is missing its pricing will be deleted.

Removing all custom pricing per price groups can be done by sending a request with an empty map.

Status codes

  • 200 on success
  • 400 on invalid input


Response format is a map indexed by price groups and each can contain the following properties:

  • price: The integer price in cents, if available
  • pricing: Optional scaled pricing setup
    • strategy: The pricing strategy, one of "VOLUME", "INCREMENTAL", or "DIVISIBLE"
    • price_points: The prices used in the pricing based on the quantity of items.
      • from: The number of items the price point is applied from
      • price: The price for one item
    • date_overrides: An array of date periods where the price points are different from the default ones. Each item of the array can have the following properties:
      • from_date: The start of the validity for the date override. Can be open ended if no to_date is given.
      • to_date: The last day of the date range. It is inclusive, the override is still valid on this date.
      • price_points: The price points to be used for this date range or from this start date.

Example request and response

When the response status is 200, the response will be the same as the request.

"group-1": {
"price": 750
"premier": {
"price": 725,
"pricing": {
"strategy": "VOLUME",
"price_points": [
"from": 1,
"price": 725
"from": 100,
"price": 699